To create this project I decided to deal with new things like animation principles (visible on the Square's animation)

  • Squash & Stretch for normal jump with ↑ key;
  • Antecipation (with squash) for powerfull jumping with press & hold ↓ key;

I also decided to exercise the use of a game design framework called Mechanics, Dynamics and Aesthetics (MDA). 

  • On the beggining I felt very lost on how to connect all those three components into a small jumpy square game. But as the project was receiving life and animation principles wasn't much a worrie anymore, it became easier to understand what path to take.
  • All the MDA design and source code is available for download.

This game was made in one week and I am happy with the results of my studies :D


source code Jumpy Square Game.c3p 3.6 MB
MDA English.rar 394 kB
MDA Português.rar 404 kB

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